New Exhibition at Qingdao Sculpture Museum

2019-12-16 14:26:09 admin888 164

Welcome to the Qingdao Sculpture Park!

Located on the shore of Huanghai Beach, the museum and surrounding sculpture park champions the latest achiements in sculpture art, holding a number of fascinating exhibitions from artists around the world. 

The sculpture park is located in picturesque gardens which showcase a mixture of traditional and contemporary sculptures, from many famous Chinese sculptors of the 20th century. The park is parrallel to the sea front, with many  rocks and islands to explore, with a breathtaking walkway along the ocean. 






The Museum

Upon completion of buildng the museum, 35 young artists from across China were invited to create 100 works which demonstrate the latest achievements in Sculpture art. 

Students and techers of The Sichuan Fine Arts Institute are  also currently exhibiting their work here, providing dozens of fascinating and thought provoking sculptures and oil painting works. Make sure you don't miss out on seeing this outstanding collection of works - The Dream of Excelling Masters, running until 22/12/19.






Time: Tuesday to Sunday - 9:30 - 16:00

Monday - Closed 

Admission: Free

Date: 'The Dream of Excelling Masters' running from 30/11/19 to 22/12/19. Other artwork will be permenantly on display. 

Location: 66 Donghai Dong Lu. 东海东路66号

Don't miss a visit to this hidden gem - exhibiting some of the 

most unique creative talent Qingdao has to offer!

Chinese Medicine, The Power of Food.


Ever since life first formed on earth there has been a continuous search for food. Food is, after all, the only thing keeping most of us alive. When life first came into existence the concept of food and nourishment was a difficult one - food was needed for survival but most people did not know what they could and could not eat. Thus, in the beginning, it was more of a trial and error process than anything else. As early humans began to experiment with different foods, Chinese people began to realize that some foods could be used as medicine. The whole concept of Chinese medicine actually originated from the search for food rather than the search for medicine. 



Three dynasties are highlighted as pivotal in the implementation of Chinese medicine: the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasty. It was in the Xia dynasty that Chinese Baijiu was first invented. In modern day China it is well-known as a type of alcohol but it was first invented as a form of medicine which was mixed with herbs, something that is still used, if only rarely, to this day. In the Shang dynasty, a number of the emperor’s cooks discovered that cooking food in different ways made different types of medicines that offered a wide variety of benefits. It is recorded that food doctors were first officially implemented in the Zhou dynasty. The doctors were key to maintaining the health of the emperor, as they ensured that he ate the correct foods to keep him healthy and alive, a position very similar to a modern-day dietician. 


Sun Yongxian believes that global food medicine should be guided by three main aspects of Chinese medicine theory: 


Individual: everyone’s medicinal requirements are different, based on their age, height, and current health situation. 


Time: the effects of time on certain medicines, specifically the effects of the different seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Some medicines may be more effective in one season than in another. 


Location: where you live, work, and socialize can affect what medicine you need.

We hope the next time you come down with an illness, you can make use of the above information. Who knows what evil lurgies lurk in the air of Qingdao…
