
2022-04-21 13:27:46 qdvisa 106




Let's talk about “Applying for a China work permit”this week,especially about how to?



The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs issued the "Work Permit service Guide for Foreigners in China" stipulated that foreigners who work in China for more than 90 days (excluding 90 days) must apply for work permits in China, the application procedures are as follows:  


Step 1

1. 网上申请。用人单位登录系统,在线提交申请信息,并提供相关电子材料。委托专门服务机构办理的,需在线登记专门服务机构名称、合法登记证明(营业执照或组织机构代码证、社会保险登记证或外国企业常驻代表机构登记证等)经办人姓名、身份证件、联系电话等,并现场提交用人单位委托书、经办人身份证明。

1. Online application.Employers log in the system, submit application information online, and submit relevant electronic materials.The employers can commit the special service agencies who needs to submit online the agency's name, the legal registration certificate (business license or organization code certificate, the social insurance registration certificate or foreign enterprise resident representative office registration certificate, etc.) agent name, id card, phone number, etc., and shall submit the letter of authorization andagent id card personally.



Step 2

2. 网上预审。受理机构应当自材料提交之日起5个工作日(材料提交当日不计算在期间内)内对网上提交的材料进行预审。材料不齐全、内容不规范的,受理机构应当一次性在线告知需补正材料;材料齐全、内容规范的,在线通知或预约现场提交材料。

2. Pretrial Online.The related institution shall pre-revieiw the materials submitted online within 5 working days from the date of submission (the date of submission shall not be counted within the period).If the materials are not complete or the contents are not standardized, the related institution shall inform the applicant of the materials to be corrected online at one time.If materials are complete, and content is standard, the next step will be informed on the spot



Step 3


3. Accepted.The related institution shall decide whether to accept the case after review.If the materials are complete and meet the requirements, the application shall be accepted on the spot. The related institution shall issue the Acceptance Form for Foreigner's Work Permit in China with the special seal of the administrative organ and an indication of the date.If the application materials are incomplete or do not conform to the legal form, the applicant shall be informed of the contents to be corrected on the spot, and issue a one-off notification letter, and the application shall be accepted after the correction;If it is not within the scope of functions and powers of this administrative organ, the related organ shall explain the reasons and basis for refusing to accept the application, and the related organ shall issue a notice of rejection affixed with a special seal for administrative license, and serve it to the applicant or the employing unit within 5 days from the date of receiving the paper materials.



Step 4


4. Review.After passing the examination, the Foreigner Work Permit Notice will be generated online.The applicant shall apply for the Foreigner's Work Permit after entering China.After submitting the materials for verification, the decision-making authority shall examine and make a decision within 10 working days (the date on which the materials are submitted for verification shall not be counted within the period).To apply for the Foreigner work Permit in China, the original of employment contract or certificate of employment, certificate of working experience, certificate of no criminal record, physical examination certificate, certificate of highest degree and other original documents should be verified.



Step 5

5.决定。符合条件、标准的,决定机构作出准予行政许可决定,申请长期来华工作的,自许可作出决定之日起 10日内颁发、送达《外国人工作许可证》。不符合条件、标准的,作出不予许可书面决定,说明理由,并告知申请人或用人单位享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。许可决定机构可根据用人单位及申请人信用记录情况,简化外国人来华工作许可延期申请的纸质材料核验环节。

5. Decision.If the applicant meets the requirements and standards, the administrative organ shall make a decision to grant the administrative license and apply for a long-term work permit in China, and shall issue and serve the Foreigner's Work Permit within 10 days from the date of making the decision.If it fails to meet the conditions and standards, it shall make a written decision of disapproval, explain the reasons, and inform the applicant or the employing unit of its right to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to law.According to the credit records of the employer and the applicant, the licensing authority may simplify the verification of paper materials for foreigners' work permit extension applications in China.



Here is a flow chart as well. Please help yourself




That's all for today. Next time, we will share more information about foreigners coming to China. And see you soon.
