
2022-04-18 14:22:50 qdvisa 72


2022年4月15日星期五上午9时,青岛市第十七届人民代表大会第一次会议在市人民会堂隆重开幕。市长赵志豪在会议中指出了青岛今后五年的发展方向:“1. 强化高端产业引领功能,打造现代产业先行城市”“2. 强化海洋特色优势功能,打造引领型现代海洋城市”“3.强化国内外市场连接功能,打造国际门户枢纽城市”“4. 强化生产生活生态融合功能,打造宜居宜业宜游高品质湾区城市”“5.强化安全保障功能,打造现代化治理样板城市”

     At 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 15, 2022, the first session of the 17th Qingdao Municipal People's Congress was grandly opened at the Municipal People's Hall.At the meeting, Mayor Zhao Zhihao pointed out the development direction of Qingdao in the next five years: 1. Strengthen the leading function of high-end industry and build a modern industry pioneer city.3. Strengthen the function of connecting domestic and international markets, and build an international gateway hub city.4. Strengthen the function of ecological integration of production and life, and build a high-quality Bay Area city suitable for living, work and tourism.5. Strengthen the function of security and build a model city of modern governance"



         Under this direction, how should Qingdao enterprises adapt to the development of The Times, and introducetheir business to the  global?The authorhad the honor to interview several big ones, let's have a look at their views!



Mr. Liu, Director of high-tech enterprise



         High-end industry is different from general industry. High-end industry represents the advanced industrial base, innovative ecological, and modernized industrial structure, which brings all-round and multi-level leading role to social and economic development.The modernization level of industrial chain is related to the production efficiency and international competitiveness of enterprises. To lead the development of new technologies and industries and build a modern industrial pioneer city, it is necessary to break through the "high-tech bottleneck".However, I have to admit that many domestic high-tech fields, such as synthetic circuit and electronic chip industries, are seriously short of local talents needed for project success. In order to effectively fill these vacancies, "hiring foreign high-end talents" has become the best solution at present.


Mr. Li,Gazelle Enterprise project supervisor



          Building an international workforce not only improves the creativity and productivity of the workforce, but also helps build a rich and more satisfying workplace culture for all employees.Sharing different global perspectives and ideas is good for both local and foreign employees. It improves employee morale and creates a positive reputation for company culture, which in turn attracts better talent to work for the company.


Mr. Zhou, project director of sino-foreign joint venture



       When you have a homogenous workforce, and they all come from the same background, sometimes the creativity of the company gets stifled."Hiring high-end foreign talent" can give companies a different perspective because they come from different places.The fusion of ideas and perspectives from different cultures is the best recipe for creativity and innovation that can take a business to new heights.



Mrs. Wang, Leader for Group Project


As a famous port city, Qingdao can take the initiative to open its market to the world, shorten the distance between domestic and foreign markets. Domestic enterprises can introduce advanced equipment and talents from abroad, and at the same time, they can have more channels to show their domestic enterprises to the world and improve their international communication ability."Hiring foreign high-end talents" solves the problem of language and cultural barriers and insufficient knowledge of international market.The international flow of talents of different nationalities and colors accelerates the process of economic integration and globalization, promotes the mutual understanding and economic and cultural exchanges among different ethnic groups, and more efficiently and effectively pushes domestic enterprises to the global market.



Mr. Zhang, Project Director  for WorldTop500 Enterprise


The perfect social security system, strong urban security function, comfortable climate and cultural environment have attracted a large number of foreign high-end talents to settle down in Qingdao.This greatly increases the stability of the core team members.Our enterprise at present there are a lot of foreign workers, with (even include their pets) are moved to Qingdao, here with their own car and house, they don't want to leave Qingdao this comfortable modern city, and as a result of the foreign employees itself for contract high loyalty, so relative to domestic job-hopping culture, foreign high-end talents are more loyal 


结论:随着经济的不断发展和人民幸福指数的不断提高,更多的外籍高端人才渴望来华工作。同样地,中国境内的高新科技企业也在不断扩大跨边界搜索半径,不再只拘泥于在国内找寻相关人才。环宇金桥,作为省市两级引才引智工作站,将为您找到最适合您公司发展的外籍高端人才 !

Conclusion: With the continuous development of economy and the continuous improvement of people's happiness index, more foreign high-end talents are eager to work in China.Similarly, high-tech enterprises in China are expanding their search radius across borders, rather than just looking for relevant talents at home.Global Golden Bridge(GGB), as a provincial and provincial level talent introduction workstation, will find you the most suitable foreign high-end talents to meet your needs.
