
2023-02-23 11:01:10 qdvisa 121

Dora 金桥外服


With the rapid development of China's international economy, stable domestic environment, great results in epidemic prevention and control, and favorable national policies, more and more international friends choose to expand business and make investment in China.


The first choice for foreigners to invest in China is to set up a company in China.


Who can set up companies in China?


What is the process of the registered company?

GGB will guiding you to understand the process and details of foreign registered companies in China.


Who can set up company in China?



Foreigners who enter China with a business visa (M) and have long-term cooperation with Chinese companies


International students who holds a student visa and needs to collect money to start a business in China


Foreigners who currently hold work visas and are employed by other companies

02注册公司流程Application procedures


  1. 确定公司名称:只能用汉字组合,不能使用外文
    Confirm the company name: it can only be combined with Chinese characters, not in foreign languages

  2. 选择公司注册地址:需提供租赁合同、房产证复印件等
    Select the registered address of the company: provide a copy of the lease contract, property ownership certificate and so on

  3. 递交申请材料至工商系统
    Submit application materials to the System

  4. 获得营业执照
    Get a business license

  5. 企业刻章:公章、财务章、法人章、发票章、合同章
    Corporate seal: Official seal, financial seal, legal person seal, invoice seal, contract seal

  6. 银行开立公户
    Banks open public accounts

  7. 税务机关备案
    Filing with tax authorities

  8. 领取税票
    Collect tax bill

  9. 开展业务 To do business

03注册公司注意事项Precautions for registered company


  • 公司名称:多准备几个备选,防止因名称相近而影响注册

Company name: Prepare several alternatives to prevent registration from being affected by similar names

  • 外国人护照、签证页、公证文件

Foreigner's passport, visa page, notarized document

  • 企业的经营范围:业务范围不得超过公司经营范围

Business scope of the enterprise: The business scope shall not exceed the business scope of the company

  • 公司登记地址

Company registered address

  • 招聘中国员工(至少一名)

Recruitment of Chinese employees (at least one)

  • 更多材料请咨询GGB

For more information, please consult GGB


What can we do for you?


GGB has been engaged in foreign service for nearly 20 years, and we are very familiar with the process of company registration, which can be completed in only a few days.
However, if foreigners prepare materials alone for company registration application, the time will be delayed because the application materials do not meet the requirements.
Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a professional organization such as GGB to help you complete the registration process, improve the efficiency, reduce the risk, complete the registration as soon as possible and carry out your business in China.
We provide the following services:

  1. 公司注册(前期文件的准备指导以及全部申请流程代理);
    Company registration (pre-document preparation and guidance and all application process agent);

  2. 来华工作签证及商务签证的申请及指导办理;
    Work visa and business visa application and guidance;

  3. 专业的财务指导。

Professional financial guidance

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