外国人在华要遵守这些法律Law & Regualtions must be abided by Expats in China

2022-07-20 09:21:24 qdvisa 91
Helen 金桥外服 金桥外服




With the continuous enhancement of China's national strength and the rapid development of social economy, a large number of foreign talents have been attracted to work in China. When expats work or study in China, both companies and individuals need to know the relevant laws and regulations to prevent unnecessary trouble to themselves without knowing.  This author Helen(wechat 15966871530)gonna have a post about the laws and regulations(Based on “Regulations on the Administration of Entry and exit of Foreigners”), I hope to help you effectively avoid these "illegal" behaviors.



非法居留Illegal Residence

如果 if:

  1. 超过签证、停留居留证件规定的停留居留期限停留居留的;Stay or reside beyond the period of stay or residence specified in the visa or residence permit 

  2. 免办签证入境的外国人超过免签期限停留且未办理停留居留证件的;Foreigners who enter China visa-free stay beyond the visa-free period without issuing residence permit 

  3. 外国人超出限定的停留居留区域工作的;Expats work outside the specific area issuing in the residence permit

  4. 外国人持非工作类居留许可,在华进行非法工作的。

    Foreigners holding non-working type residence permits  engage in working illegally in China

  5. 其他非法居留的情形。 Others




Kindly reminder to Companies

如果 if:

  1. 聘用的外国人离职或者变更工作地域的;

    The employed expat leaves his/her position or changes his/her work place;

  2. 招收的外国留学生毕业、结业、肄业、退学,离开原招收单位的;

    The enrolled foreign students leave the original recruiting units after graduation, completion of courses, completion of study, drop-out, etc 

  3. 聘用的外国人、招收的外国留学生违反出境入境管理规定的;

    The employed foreigners or recruited foreign students violate the regulations on Exit and Entry Administration 

  4. 聘用持非工作类居留许可的外国人的

    Any employed foreigners holding non-working type residence permit

  5. 聘用的外国人、招收的外国留学生出现死亡、失踪等情形的

    Any foreigner employed or foreign student recruited dies or goes missing 


In any cases mentioned abovedthe company must report to the related administration,will be fined otherwise.




invalid certificate

如果 if:

  1. 签证、停留居留证件损毁、遗失、被盗抢的;

    Visas or residence permits are damaged, lost or stolen 

  2. 被决定限期出境、遣送出境、驱逐出境,其所持签证、停留居留证件未被收缴或者注销的;

    Those who have been decided to exit, repatriate or expel within a time limit 

  3. 原居留事由变更未在规定期限内向公安机关出入境管理机构申报,经公安机关公告后仍未申报的;

    Failing to declare the change of the original residence permit to the  related administration within the prescribed time limit or failing to declare the change even after receiving the notice from the PSB 

  4. 不能按照规定提供申请材料的;no related materials providing for application

  5. 在申请过程中弄虚作假的;faking documents for application

  6. 违反中国有关法律、行政法规规定,不适合在中国境内停留居留的;violation of China's law & regulations

  7. 不宜批准签证和居留证件的延期、换发、补发或者签发停留证件的其他情形。others


About specific law & regulation for expats coming/ staying in China, this author Helen (same as WeChat15966871530)  is happy to answer any questions ~

