[中德快速通道] 数百名德国经理人将于近期包机前往中国

2020-05-22 16:54:12 qdvisa 660

China is allowing executives from some foreign companies to enter the country despite a coronavirus travel ban as it seeks to restart the economy, according to people familiar with the matter.据知情人士透露,中国在寻求重启经济之际,不顾冠状病毒旅行禁令,允许一些外国公司的高管进入中国。

The Ministry of Commerce told some key foreign companies they can apply for exemptions to the entry ban if they want to get executives back into China, the people said, asking not to be identified because the matter hasn’t been made public. 上述知情人士说,商务部告诉一些重要的外国公司,如果他们想让高管重返中国,可以申请进入禁令的豁免,并要求不要透露身份,因为此事尚未公开。


German news television reported on May 13 that the original title was "hundreds of German managers will charter flights to China". As China's epidemic improves, German business organizations and diplomats are looking for ways to get managers of Chinese companies back from Germany.  德国新闻电视台5月13日报道,原题为“数百名德国经理人将搭乘包机飞往中国”。随着中国疫情好转,德国商业组织和外交官正想方设法让在华德企的经理人从德国回到中国。  

A representative of the German overseas chamber of Commerce said on Tuesday that the Chinese government is providing German managers with a "fast entry" program through the German overseas chamber of Commerce (AHK) and the embassy. "The chamber of commerce is organizing charter flights because there is no way to book flights at present," executives are likely to take Lufthansa charter flights. " It is said that 500 to 1000 German executives, together with 2500 family members, will fly back to China. The first charter flight is expected to leave Frankfurt for Shanghai later this month.  德国海外商会的一名代表周二表示,中国政府正通过德国海外商会(AHK)和使馆为德国经理人提供“快速入境”方案。“由于目前根本无法预订航班,该商会正组织包机,“高管们很可能搭乘汉莎航空的包机。”据称,共有500至1000名德企高管,加上家庭成员共2500人,将飞回中国。首个包机航班预计于本月下旬由法兰克福飞往上海。

German diplomats believe that China provides a very convenient procedure for the entry of German managers. In addition to Germany, the "fast entry" program may also be applicable to executives from South Korea, Japan, Britain, France, Switzerland and other countries with more investment in China. "This means executives don't have to be segregated for two weeks," said one EU diplomat Novel coronavirus pneumonia is not available for the first time. However, 48 hours before departure, they must submit a health certificate to the Chinese side. The German Foreign Ministry confirmed that it has high requirements for talents after the resumption of work of Chinese enterprises, and it is reviewing China's proposal.  德国外交官认为,中国为德国经理人的入境提供了非常方便的程序。除德国外,“快速入境”方案也或将适用于韩日英法及瑞士等在华投资较多国家的企业高管。一名欧盟外交官表示,“这意味着高管们不必进行两周隔离。”但在出发前48小时,他们必须向中方提交未确诊新冠肺炎的健康证明。德国外交部证实,在华德企复工后,对人才有高要求,该部正就中方的提议进行审查。

 According to relevant experts, the EU is also concerned about China's "fast entry" program. The EU needs to decide whether to launch a "reciprocity mechanism" to allow Chinese managers to travel to Europe in the same way. This means that Chinese executives do not need to be segregated to enter the EU.  根据相关专家的说法,欧盟也在关注中国的“快速入境”方案。欧盟需要决定是否启动“互惠机制”,允许中国经理人以同样方式前往欧洲。这意味着,中企高管们进入欧盟也无需隔离。   

 China is Germany's most important trading partner. In 2019, the trade volume between the two countries is about 206 billion euros. After the outbreak of the new crown, both sides restricted travel and entry. According to the information, there are only a few new cases of infection in China in recent weeks, and executives of German companies hope to return to China and resume business as soon as possible. 中国是德国最重要的贸易伙伴。2019年两国之间的贸易额约为2060亿欧元。新冠疫情暴发后,双方限制了旅行和入境。根据信息,中国最近几周只有极少数新感染病例,德国公司的高管们都希望早日返回中国,恢复业务.


The goal of the agreement is to expedite entry for people urgently needed for the resumption of essential work and production, while keeping supply chains between the two countries stable and unimpeded, China Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang said at a news briefing on April 30. China would like to establish fast-track agreements with other countries, he said, without elaborating.

Suki thinks more good news is on the way!

Any new policy, Suki will update it as soon as possible~





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