
2023-01-17 10:17:26 qdvisa 44

Dora 金桥外服

北京时间1月8日零点起,中国终于全面取消自2020年开始采取的多项疫情防控措施。而随着这些政策的正式优化和生效,出入境机票订单量同比增长628%,创下2020年3月以来的峰值。其中,入境航班订单量占比48%。当天,预订机票的中国出境游客,飞往了全球53个国家和地区的100多座城市。 外籍人士入境中国,一定要在第一时间去办理临时登记住宿信息,否则会面临罚款以及无法办理居留许可!! 什么是临时住宿登记? 境外人员临时住宿登记表,指没有中国大陆身份证的人士在宾馆、饭店、旅店、招待所、学校、企业、事业单位或者机关、团体及其他中国机构内住宿,应当出示有效证件,并填写的临时住宿登记表。 It refers to the persons who do not have a Chinese mainland ID card when staying in hotels, restaurants, hostels, hostels, schools, enterprises, institutions or government organs, organizations or other Chinese institutions, shall present valid certificates and fill in the temporary accommodation registration form


为什么要做临时住宿登记呢? 据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第三十九条等规定,外国人在中国境内旅馆住宿的,旅馆应当按照旅馆业治安管理的有关规定为其办理住宿登记,并向所在地公安机关报送外国人住宿登记信息。 According to Article 39 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant regulations, where foreigners stay in hotels in China, the hotels shall register their accommodation in accordance with the regulations on the public security administration of the hotel industry, and submit foreigners' accommodation registration information to the public security organs in the places where the hotels are located. 外国人在旅馆以外的其他住所居住或者住宿的,应当在入住后二十四小时内由本人或者留宿人,向居住地的公安机关派出所办理登记。 For foreigners who reside or stay in lodgings other than hotels, they or the persons who accommodate them shall, within 24 hours after the foreigners' check-in, go through the registration formalities with the police stations of the local public security organs in the places of residence. 根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第七十六条,外国人未按照本法第三十九条第二款规定办理住宿登记的,给予警告,可以并处两千元以下罚款。 According to Article 76 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, foreigners who fail to register for accommodation in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 39 of this Law shall be given a warning and may be fined not more than 2,000 yuan. 旅馆未按照规定办理外国人住宿登记的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管 理处罚法》的有关规定予以处罚;未按照规定向公安机关报送外国人住宿登记信息的,给予警告;情节严重的,处一千元以上五千元以下罚款。 Hotels which fail to file accommodation registrations for foreigners based on these regulations shall be penalized according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for Administration of Public Security. Where hotels fail to submit foreigners' accommodation information to public security organs, they shall be subject to a warning, and for severe violations, a penalty fine of not less than CNY 1,000 and not more than CNY 5,000 shall be imposed depending on the severity of their violations. 外国人在旅馆以外的其他住所不再居住的,外国人或留宿人应及时告知原居住地的公安机关派出所。 In addition, for foreigners who no longer reside or stay in lodgings other than hotels, they or the persons who accommodate them shall notify the police stations of the local public security organs in the places of their original residence. 什么情况下需要准备临时住宿登记呢? 1、外籍人就住在中国宾馆、招待所、饭馆、学校、事业单位及其他中国机构,需要出示有效护照或居留证件,且要填写临时住宿登记表(在非开放地区住宿要出示旅行证) Foreigners who live in hotels, guest houses, restaurants, schools, institutions and other Chinese institutions need to show valid passports or residence certificates and fill in temporary accommodation registration forms (travel permits are required for accommodation in non open areas)

2、外籍人在城镇中国居民家就住,须在到达后24小时内,由留宿人或本人持住宿人的护照、证件和留宿人的户口薄到当地公安机关申报,填写临时住宿登记表。农村的,须于72小时内向当地派出所或者户籍办公室申报。 When foreigners live with Chinese residents in urban areas shall,within 24 hours after arrival, report to the local public security organ with the lodger's passport, certificate and residence booklet, and fill in the registration form for temporary accommodation. In rural areas, they must report to the local police station or registered residence office within 72 hours.

3、外籍人在中国的外国机构内或者在中国的外国人家中住宿,须于住宿人抵达后24小时内,由留宿机构、留宿人或者本人持住宿人的护照或者居留证件,向当地公安机关申报,并填写临时住宿登记表。 If a foreigner lodges in a foreign institution in China or in a foreign family in China, the lodging institution, the lodger or the lodger himself shall, within 24 hours after the lodger's arrival, report to the local public security organ with the lodger's passport or residence certificate and fill in a registration form for temporary accommodation.

4、外国人在移动性住宿工具内临时住宿,须于24小时内向当地公安机关申报。为外国人的移动性住宿工具提供场地的机构或者个人,应于24小时前向当地公安机关申报。 Foreigners must report to the local public security organ within 24 hours if they want to stay temporarily in mobile accommodation tools. Institutions or individuals that provide sites for foreigners' mobile accommodation tools shall report to the local public security organ 24 hours in advance.

5、长期在中国居留的外国人离开自己的住所临时在其他地方住宿,也要申报住宿登记。Foreigners who have stayed in China for a long time should also apply for accommodation registration if they leave their residence and stay temporarily in other places

