来华流程指南—国际健康码申请 Guide for flying to China—health code application

2022-07-14 11:00:14 qdvisa 89

原创 Helen 金桥外服 



     近日,多个中国驻外使领馆发布通知,优化外国人来华签证政策。具体举措包括免除来华就业人员签证邀请函、免除复工复产人员家属签证邀请函、扩大因人道事由来华人员范围等。与此同时,多家航空公司宣布复航国际客运航线,民航局表示,正与部分国家商谈,逐步、稳妥增加定期国际客运航班。此外,多地缩短了入境人员的集中隔离时间,已由 “14天集中隔离+7天居家隔离”缩短为“7天集中隔离+3天居家隔离”。


    Several Chinese embassies abroad have recently issued notices to optimize visa policies for foreigners.The specific measures include exempting PU letter for people coming to China for work, exempting PU letter for family members of foreigners returning to work, and expanding the scope of people coming to China for humanitarian reasons.Meanwhile, a number of airlines announced the resumption of international passenger flights, and the Civil Aviation Administration said there were talks with some countries to gradually and steadily increase scheduled international flights.In addition, several cities have shortened the period of quarantine for inbound travelers from "14-day quarantine + 7-day home quarantine" to "7-day quarantine + 3-day home quarantine"

     Today, this author will talk about the most important thing before flying to China -- before departure, how to apply for the health green code according to the local Chinese embassay!


Where to apply?


     Foreign citizens need to submit the certificate of testing materials  through the international health and epidemic prevention web (https://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov.cn/H5/),  for application of health declarationfor boarding. For specific requirements, please refer to the website of the local Chinese embassy.


        Once approved, the embassy will issue the QR code of the health declaration form with the "HDC" sign through the website.Foreign passengers are required to present the electronic QR code or paper printed of the health declaration for the airline to check.



Materials needed for application

1. 核酸检测阴性证明   negative proof for PCR test

2. 血清IgM抗体检测结果证明 Serum IgM antibody detection results

3. 有关国家居留证明 Proof of residence in the relevant country

4. 行程单 itinerary list

5. 新冠疫苗接种证明 proof of vaccination

6. 当地中国使领馆要求的其他材料此外,中国有关使领馆审核后,如认为需要,可能要求当事人进一步提供相关补充材料

other materials required from the local embassy 


          About specific procedures of overseas personnel application for health code, this author Helen (same as WeChat15966871530)  is happy to answer any questions ~

