外国人如何在华注册公司How to register & set up enterprises in China

2022-05-05 09:22:48 qdvisa 281

外国人如何在华注册公司How to register & set up enterprises in China


 Before starting the topic for today, this author wanna do a questionnaire: As a foreigners for China, What attracts you  to register and set up an enterprises in Qingdao? If you haven't figured it out, let me show how wonderful this place is first.



Foreign companies, as the name implies, are foreigners who come to China to invest and do business.Qingdao as an international integrated transport port city, the rail traffic in the coastal city ranks No. 1 always. Qingdao's GDP has exceeded 1.4 trillion, per capita reached 139000 yuan,. At the same time, the development of Qingdao environment has been optimized. The Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone,Shandong Free Trade Zone ect. the new platforms have been set up . There are  5554 high-and-new technology enterprise, which makes Qingdao listed in the first echelon of national urban innovation.By the end of 2021, Qingdao has attracted investment from 172 Fortune global 500 enterprises and 367 investment projects.Local enterprises in Qingdao have set up 1,820 overseas investment enterprises and institutions in 112 countries and regions.In addition, author learned from Qingdao Market Supervision Administration that by the end of March 2022, there are 13,924 foreign-funded enterprises in Qingdao, with a year-on-year increase of 1.38%.In the first quarter of 2022, there were 160 newly established foreign-funded enterprises with a registered capital of us $2.014 billion, among which 52 enterprises with a registered capital of more than 10 million yuan (including 10 million yuan), accounting for 32.5% of the total number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises.At the same time, Qingdao has also moderately implemented  foreign investment registration procedures to help foreign enterprises registration, settle down and operate as early as possible to minimize the adverse impact of the epidemic on foreign enterprises. In a word, Qingdao will become more open and international in the future, and become a modern socialist international metropolis in the new era.Now it's the time to quick click on the above "金桥外服GGB" follow us, to see how to register and set up an enterprise in Qingdao?




Foreigners registering companies in China fall into two categories: joint venture and Foreign-owned

1. 如果是合资,意味着外国人需要有一个中国籍的公民来和他一起开办这个公司,这种情况下手续就非常简单了,那么中国的代表人就可以代办所有的手续,哪怕外国人不在境内也是可以操作的。

1. If it is a joint venture, it means that the foreigner needs a Chinese citizen to start the company with him. In this case, the procedures are very simple. Then the Chinese representative can handle all the procedures, even if the foreigner is not in the territory.

2. 对于外商独资,也就是外国人自己的名义去注册一个外商公司的话,这样子就需要外国人来到中国境内,并且到工商进行备案,不管是外资还是合资,他的流程和手续注册起来和内资公司都是一模一样的。

2. For wholly foreign-owned, that is, register with the name of foreigner for the company. Thw foreigner is required to present in China, and to the industry and commerce for the record, whether it is foreign-owned or joint venture, the process and procedures for registration are exactly the same as domestic companies 



Steps to register a company

1. 注册公司信息表 

Fill the Register form

2. 审核地址、公司名 

Check the address and company's name by related organ

3. 签署工商文件 

Sign business documents

4. 篆刻公章和法人章 

make the official stamp for company

5. 申领营业执照和备案章 

Apply for business license and stamp

6. 银行开户,税务核定 

Bank account set-up, tax verification



The only difference between joint venture and wholly foreign-owned company is that for many foreigners, the registered company will give them a lot of benefits, such as:

     1.  如果外国人在中国已经注册了一家公司并合法正常运营,可以用法定代表人的身份申请签证,并且用国内的公司账户进行交易

If a foreigner has registered a company in China and operates it legally and normally, he/she can apply for a visa as the legal representative and conduct transactions with the company account in China.


      2.  法律规定持有学生签证的人不能有偿工作。如果申请者在学生签证上注明 了"创业",在注册公司之前可以有1-3个月的缓冲期,并在未转为工作签证时,合法地收取费用。

 It is illegal that a student visa holder works for pay in China. But if an applicant states "starting a business" on their student visa, they can have a one to three month buffer period before registering the company and legally collect fees before converting to a work visa.


       3.  注册为独立个体的公司,可以与其他公司签订合同并盈利(在此过程中,该外籍人士不能以自己公司的法人身份持有签证)。

Registering an independent company, a foreigner can sign contracts with other companies and make profits (in this process, the foreigner cannot hold a visa as a legal person of his own company).



As for "how to register and set up an enterprises in Qingdao", you are very welcome to click "金桥外服" to consult us for professional consulting services


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