转发有礼丨关于投票2022“魅力中国——外籍人才眼中最具吸引力的中国城市” 主题活动的通知​

2023-05-04 14:39:47 qdvisa 7

Dora 金桥外服

2022年度“魅力中国”活动,青岛诚邀您来投票!Qingdao invites you to vote in the 2022 "Amazing China" event!GGB 金桥外服
“魅力中国”Amazing China该活动由国家科学技术部国外人才研究中心组织,是国内唯一一个完全由外籍人才参与评选的引才引智权威“中国城市榜”,是外籍人才了解中国、建言中国城市发展的重要窗口,自2010年起已连续成功举办12届。2021年“魅力中国——外籍人才眼中最具吸引力的中国城市”榜单公布,青岛第11次入选,成为城市对外开放合作的响亮名片。 This voting event organized by the Foreign Talent Research Center, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, produces the one and only authoritative “Chinese city list” for talents attraction totally determined by international experts in China. It is an important window for foreign talents to know about China and to advise on the development of Chinese cities. Since 2010, it has been successfully held 12 times. Qingdao has been included in the list of "Amazing China -- The Most Attractive Chinese Cities in the Eyes of Foreign Experts" for the 11th time in 2021, establishing an eye-catching name card for it to open up to the world.
关于我们Our company
青岛环宇金桥企业管理有限公司(GGB金桥外服)依托20年专业的外事服务经验,与各个渠道达成深度合作,作为青岛市大型企业、知名外资企业、各类国际学校及教育机构、演艺公司、民办企业人才输送的重要选择,每年可为青岛市800多家企业匹配最适合的外籍人才,为2000多名外籍高端人才匹配心仪的企业岗位。业务范围涵盖工业制造、集成电路、生物医药、金融银行、影视剧组、工程项目、互联网IT、教育培训、体育运动、家政服务、和其他行业的国际中高端人才的招聘服务、外籍人才在华工作许可及居留许可办理,外籍人才落地宜居服务。 GGB relying on 20 years of professional foreign affairs service experience, has reached in-depth cooperation with various channels. As an important choice for talents transportation of large enterprises, well-known foreign enterprises, all kinds of international schools and educational institutions, performing arts companies and private enterprises in Qingdao.Every year, it can match more than 800 enterprises in Qingdao with the most suitable foreign talents, and find the desired enterprise positions for more than 2,000 high-end foreign talents. The business scope covers industrial manufacturing, integrated circuits, biomedicine, financial banks, film and television crews, engineering projects, Internet IT, education and training, sports, domestic service, and other industries of international medium and high-end talent recruitment services, foreign talent work permit and residence permit processing in China, foreign talent landing livable services.

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服务内容Service content一、外国人来华服务Guidance and planning before coming to China外国人来华前就业规划办理指导服务 Employment consultation before come to China 外国人永久居留身份证咨询指导服务 Foreigner PR R字高端人才签证咨询指导服务 R visa 外国人来华工作许可及居留许可咨询指导服务 WP&RP 其他签证咨询服务(口岸/商务/旅游/学生/探亲等) Other visas (M, L, X, S, Q, etc.)三、国际猎聘服务 Recruitment Swrvices外籍高级技术及管理人才引进 Recruitment of foreign talents 国际人才库 Experts Recruitment Swrvices 外籍人才引进政策补贴 Foreign talent introduction policy subsidy 外籍人才校招/实习生 College GraduatesRecruitment Swrvices/Foreign intern四、外国人落地宜居服务Livable services for foreigners子女入学 School Search Services 安居服务 Residential Real Estate Service 国际搬家 International moving Services 医疗保障 Medical Support Services 文化语言 Culture and language Services 外籍家政服务 Housekeeping Services
PART.03转发有礼How can get gift为了支持青岛城市发展,让更多外国专家的建言献策能被青岛政府了解并采纳,进一步提升外国专家在华工作、生活的便利和满意度。GGB特发起“转发有礼”活动:投票并转发此文章至朋友圈,集赞48个后截图发给小编,即可获得精美的护照包或GGB伴手礼一套!In order to support the work of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and let more foreign experts' advice can be understood by Qingdao government, so as to further improve the working and living convenience and satisfaction of foreign experts in China. GGB launched a activity: vote and repost this article to your Wechat Moments, get 48 likes and send the screenshot to GGB, you can get a beautiful passport bag or GGB gift set!

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