赴华隔离时间或将再次缩短为“2+3”、“0+3”?China Will Cuts Quarantine Time Again!

2022-12-15 13:49:34 qdvisa 57

Will the entry quarantine time be shortened to "2+3" 、"0+3"?

With the release of measures to optimize epidemic prevention in China, the original strict epidemic prevention measures are slowly relaxed. Foreigners are most concerned about whether they still need to be isolated when coming to China

At present, the quarantine policy in China is still "5+3", that is, "5 days centralized quarantine +3 days home quarantine".
During this period, code management is given and not allowed go out.
The quarantine shall not be repeated at the destination after the completion of the quarantine at the first point of entry


网上这两天疯传国内将改为“0+3”,还标出了具体实施的时间。这个消息目前并没有任何官方依据。不过参考香港的模式,对大陆的全面开放有很大的借鉴价值。 The Internet has been abuzz over the past two days with rumors that the domestic quarantine period will be changed to "0+3" and the specific implementation date. There is no official basis for this information.

However, the model of Hong Kong is of great reference value to the mainland's comprehensive opening up.

Meanwhile, the Economist's China bureau chief and intelligence chief also said on Twitter: ↓↓↓


Many airports in China have announced the cancellation of nucleic acid landing tests


After the release of the new epidemic prevention policy, many domestic city airports also announced the cancellation of nucleic acid landing inspection!According to incomplete statistics, including Beijing Capital International Airport and Daxing International Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, Nanjing Lukou International Airport, Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, Sanya Phoenix International Airport, Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport, Kunming Changshui International Airport, Hefei Xinqiao International Airport, Chengdu Tianfu International Airport, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, etc, They said they would no longer check nucleic acid test certificates and health codes.

Macao cancels entry nucleic acid and antigen


Macao's epidemic prevention policy will be further relaxed! The Macao SAR issued a notice that from December 9, all nucleic acid tests and antigen tests after entering Macao will be cancelled!
澳门特区公告称,卫生局根据第2/2004号法律《传染病防治法》第3条、第10条及第14条的规定作出第629/A/SS/2022号公告及第630A/SS/2022号公告,自2022年12月9日零时起,取消入境人士的落地核酸检测、入境后的核酸检测和快速抗原检测措施。经调整后对入境人士的防疫措施如下:The Macao SAR announced that landing nucleic acid tests, post-entry nucleic acid tests and rapid antigen tests will be cancelled for inbound travelers starting from midnight on December 9, 2022. The following measures have been adjusted for entry:

当天或过去5天内没有中国内地高风险区旅居史的人士:(1) 由中国内地(除广东省珠海市外)直接来澳,于登机、登船时,须持采样日后48小时内核酸检测阴性证明;(2) 经广东省珠海市来澳,入境时须持采样日后24小时内核酸检测阴性证明。
For those with no history of travel to high-risk areas in China on the same day or in the past 5 days:
(1) If you come to Macao directly from the mainland of China (except Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province), you must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours after the sampling date when boarding the plane or ship;(2) When coming to Macao via Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, you must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 24 hours after the sampling date.

由香港特别行政区,台湾地区和外国入境澳门及当天或过去5天内具中国内地高风险区旅居史之人士:解除医学观察后的措施,由原先的3天澳门健康码为“红码”,改为3天“黄码”,并于最后1天进行核酸检测,结果为阴性后转为“绿码”。例如:12月1日解除医学观察,澳门健康码“黄码”,12月4日进行核酸检测,结果为阴性后转为“绿码”。Persons who enter Macao from Hong Kong, Taiwan and foreign countries and who have lived in high-risk areas in China on the same day or within the past 5 days:
After the medical observation was lifted, the original 3-day Macao health code was changed from "red code" to "yellow code", and nucleic acid test was carried out on the last day. After the result was negative, it was changed to "green code".

需要注意的是,目前由澳门入境的海外人士,仍需五天集中隔离和三天黄码自我健康管理,只是入境核酸检测被取消。Currently, overseas arrivals from Macao still need 5 days of quarantine and 3 days of yellow code self-health management, but inbound nucleic acid testing has been cancelled.

Hong Kong has relaxed its quarantine policy again


香港特区政府医务卫生局局长卢宠茂13日召开记者会公布,调整了香港的防疫政策。具体举措如下:The Director General of the Medical and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government announced at a press conference on the 13th that Hong Kong's epidemic prevention policy had been adjusted. Specific measures are as follows:

第一,取消“黄码”,包括入境人士在内的非确诊者均为“蓝码”,可参与正常活动,确诊者则是“红码”。Cancel the "yellow code". All non diagnosed persons, including immigrants, are "blue code" and can participate in normal activities, while those diagnosed are "red code".

这意味着海外和中国台湾旅客,以及赴上述地区度假的香港居民,抵港后不再受3天“黄码”所设的活动限制,抵港日在机场核酸阴性后,便可自由进出餐厅、酒吧、博物馆和主题公园等场所。This means that overseas and Taiwan, China tourists, as well as Hong Kong residents who go to the above areas for vacation, will no longer be subject to the activity restrictions set by the "yellow code" for three days after their arrival in Hong Kong. After the airport nucleic acid is negative on the arrival day, they can freely enter and exit restaurants, bars, museums, theme parks and other places.

第二,由14日起,市民不再需要扫“安心出行”二维码进入处所,但餐厅等指定处所仍会实施“疫苗通行证”。From the 14th of this month, citizens no longer need to scan the QR code of "safe travel" to enter the premises, but the designated places such as restaurants will still implement the "vaccine pass".

卢宠茂同时公布调整另外3项新的防疫安排Another three new epidemic prevention arrangements:

第一,撤销从香港前往内地和澳门人士在口岸,包括深圳湾口岸、港珠澳大桥、香港国际机场所需要进行的离港前快速核酸测试,旅客持有登机或陆路离境前48小时内核酸检测阴性结果证明即可。The rapid nucleic acid test before departure required by people from Hong Kong to the Mainland and Macao at ports, including Shenzhen Bay Port, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, and Hong Kong International Airport, will be cancelled. Passengers can hold the certificate of negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours before boarding or land departure

第二,逐渐减少向住宅大厦发出强制检测通告,改为在社区派发更多的快速测试包;缩小需定期进行核酸检测的对象范围至只针对医管局员工、安老院舍和残疾人士院舍员工。Gradually reduce the issuance of mandatory testing notices to residential buildings, and instead distribute more rapid testing packages in communities; Narrow the scope of objects requiring regular nucleic acid testing to only the staff of the HA, residential care homes and disabled people's homes

第三,撤销居家令下相关人士配戴电子手环的要求。Revoking the requirement to wear an electronic bracelet under a stay-at-home order

Latest entry requirements of various countries

At present, the entry policies of various countries and regions in the world are also continuously adjusted, especially the popular destinations. Then, let's take a look at the entry requirements of countries around the world:



USA: Visa service has been fully restored
Except for American citizens, permanent residents and those holding immigrant visas, all passengers who enter the United States by air must present a full vaccination certificate.
All air passengers to the United States must provide the airline with an authorized electronic system (ESTA) before boarding to travel to the United States: remember to register EVUS (electronic visa renewal system) before going to the United States.
Self-quarantine at home for 5 days upon arrival. And nucleic acid test within 3 to 5 days, if you have symptoms, please self-test symptoms and self-quarantine, and follow the respective quarantine requirements of each state!


Canada: All entry restrictions have been lifted

From October 1, 2022, all passengers, regardless of their nationality, will: no need to submit public health information through ARRIVECAN, no need to provide vaccination certificate, no need to accept pre arrival or arrival testing, no need to carry out quarantine or isolation related to covid-19, no need to detect and report whether they have covid-19 symptoms after arriving in Canada, and no need to conduct health examination when traveling by air or rail, You don't have to wear masks on planes and trains.


今年3月18日起,英国取消了所有入境限制,不再需要提供疫苗接种证明或核酸阴性证明。无论是否接种了新冠疫苗,所有旅客不再需要写填乘客定位表(PASSEN-GER LOCATOR FORM)也不再需要进行出发前的新冠检测和入境后的测试,入境后也无需自我隔离。

UK: Remove all entry restrictions

Since March 18 this year, the UK has cancelled all entry restrictions and no longer needs to provide vaccination certificates or nucleic acid negative certificates. No matter whether COVID-19 is vaccinated or not, all passengers no longer need to fill in the PASSEN-GER LOCATOR FORM, and no longer need to carry out the COVID-19 test before departure and the test after entry, and no self isolation is required after entry.



Japan: Free travel for overseas tourists

From October 11, Japan relaxed its border control policy, allowing overseas travelers to travel freely, exempting short-term entry visas and abolished the daily limit on the number of people entering the country.All passengers entering Japan are required to bring proof of a valid vaccination (three shots) or a 72-hour negative certificate. And, from October 11, Chinese vaccines (Beijing Bio, Beijing Sinovac and Consinol) will be considered "effective vaccines".



Singapore: Relax entry restrictions

Singapore has relaxed entry restrictions, and all people entering the country are exempt from quarantine, including those who have not completed COVID-19 vaccination.However, it is still necessary to hold a 48 hour nucleic acid certificate for entry, and the report must be in English. Passengers aged 13 and above need not provide a test report when entering Singapore as long as they have been fully vaccinated with vaccines approved by Singapore and provided with a vaccination certificate (all anti epidemic measures can be exempted if they are under the age of 13).



Thailand: Extend the duration of travel visa

From October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023, the stay period of Thailand tourist visa will be extended to 45 days; The VOA is extended from 15 days to 30 days. From October 1, 2022, international travelers to Thailand will no longer need to show vaccination certificates or ATK test results.Adjust the isolation measures for mild/asymptomatic infected persons for 5 days, but strictly follow the DMHT measures.



Mao Ning, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that, on the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, China has been constantly optimizing exit entry arrangements to facilitate executives, technicians and their families of transnational corporations and foreign-invested enterprises.The Chinese side will continue to optimize various prevention and control measures in accordance with the changes in the epidemic situation and the principle of science and accuracy, so as to better ensure the exchange of Chinese and foreign personnel and foreign exchanges and cooperation.


According to the above information, maybe the day of "going where you want to go" without isolation is coming!
