好消息,多地来华隔离时间缩短! Update for local quarantine of time

2022-06-22 09:08:11 qdvisa 140



Chinese embassies and consulates in 39 countries have issued a "notice on the adjustment of visa requirements for China" (VX15966871530). Recently, the "circuit breaker rule" has been adjusted, and the statistical date of whether the flight to China is fused has been adjusted from 7 days after landing to 5 days.At the same time, some Chinese cities have also begun to reduce the time of quarantine.This is great news for foreigners planning to come to China.


adjustment for circuit breaker policy


Prior to this, whether a flight to China will be cut off depends on whether the number of positive cases of inbound passengers carried by the flight reaches five or more on the day of landing and in the following seven consecutive days.After the change, the number of positive infected people who decide to terminate a flight is counted only five days after the flight landing.This means that positive cases on the sixth and seventh days will no longer be included in the basis for a flight to be shut down, thus reducing the chances of a flight being shut down.In this way, it can not only effectively prevent and control the omicron mutant strain, but also improve the effectiveness of the policy, which is conducive to the increase of domestic flights, the reduction of international ticket prices and the convenience of passengers coming to China.Importantly, international flights, which have been tightly controlled for the past two years, have recently shown signs of further liberalisation to China.


Quarantine days shorten in many places


With the change of the flight circuit breaker mechanism, many cities in China have also seen their quarantine period shortened from 21 days to 7 days.

北京 Peking


  1. 入境口岸为北京的,调整为实施“7天集中隔离+7天居家隔离”。不具备居家隔离条件的继续实施4天集中隔离

  2. 目的地为外省市的人,隔离政策仍旧为14天(在北京集中隔离)

1. If the port of entry is Beijing, "7-day centralized quarantine + 7-day home quarantine" will be implemented.  Those who do not meet the conditions for home quarantine shall continue to be quarantined for another four days.

2. The quarantine policy is still 14 days for people going to other provinces and cities (concentrated in Beijing).  

上海 Shanghai



1. If the port of entry is Beijing, "14-day centralized quarantine + 7-day home quarantine" will be implemented.

2.  The quarantine policy is after 14 days and extra 7  in hotel for people going to other provinces and cities.

广州 Guangzhou



"14 days of centralized isolation, 7 days of home isolation and 7 days of self-health monitoring", and free nucleic acid testing in hospitals on the 23rd and 28th days after the release of quarantine. 

深圳 Shenzhen



After 14 days of centralized quarantine, people entering Shenzhen will be put into 7-day community management. All people from overseas will be tested once on the 1st, 7th and 14th days respectively during the 14-day hotel quarantine.  During the period of community administration, one nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 21st day, for a total of four times. 

武汉 Wuhan



1. If the first place of entry is Wuhan and the destination is Wuhan, the applicant shall stay in Wuhan for 7-day centralized isolation and 7-day home isolation for medical observation. 

2. If the first place of entry is Wuhan and the destination is other cities in Hubei province, they shall undergo 7-day centralized isolation for medical observation in Wuhan, and then be transported to the destination in Hubei province for 7-day home isolation for medical observation. 

厦门 Xiamen



14 days of centralized isolation, 7 days of home isolation

澳门 Marco



"10+7" (10 days of concentrated medical observation and 7 days of self-monitoring) will be implemented for persons coming from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Taiwan region or foreign regions to the Macao Special Administrative Region

香港 Hong Kong


         * 入境隔离政策具有时效性,文中未提及地区,欢迎详询小编15966871530(同微信)

Policy for Entry quarantine is time-sensitive. For other cities, please consult author for more details 15966871530(same as wechat)


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