外籍人在华出行指南--健康码使用说明 Health Code Q&A For Foreign users

2022-05-10 09:19:21 qdvisa 373

外籍人在华出行指南--健康码使用说明 Health Code Q&A For Foreign users



    Recently, there have been several "changes" in health and epidemic prevention in Shandong Province. Not only some details in mini app, “health code”,have been changed, but there is a prohibition for the personnel who has "yellow sign" and "code with star"to enter any closed aeras,like government admission offices,libraries, schools,chemists and so on,and to take the public transportation, like bus, taxis,metro etc. according to file posting by the Qingdao COVID - 19 normalized epidemic prevention and control work leading group (headquarters). This is a great move to protect the citizens' health,and also to be ofgreat significance to the epidemic prevention work. But at the same time, this authoralso received a lot of msgs from foreign friendsasking for help: "Helen, how can I show the itinerary code?" ; "Helen, where's my blue sign?" ; "Helen, what's the code with star?"...Therefore, this author made this article. You’re very welcomed to forward this to more friends who are in need hah~~  


NO.1 如何自测是否亮“黄牌where's the yellow sign?

Helen, I need ur help. The staff's asking me to prove myself without yellow sign. But where's it? I've never heard about it.HELP!

whats up?! Julia, no worries, let me show you.

在原来的山东健康码界面,在健康码的下方,可以直观地显示本人 48小时内、7天内是否有做过核酸检测,最近一次的核酸检测结果,以及14天内是否有到访过中高风险地区所在城市。

In the original  mini app, "Shandong health code“ , in Wechat , under the health code, there is a clear display whether you have taken a PCR test in the past 48 hours or in the past 7 days, the latest PCRtest result, and whether you have visited any areas withmedium-high risk in the past 14 days.




Here are some notice:

PCR test data are being continuously collected and improved. PCR test results are for reference only, and they're up to change in accordance with local epidemic prevention and control policies.  

  bule sign"means PCR test records within 48 hours;  

  yellow sign"means NO PCR test has been recorded within 48 hours;  

  bule sign"means PCR test records within 7 days;  

yellow sign"means No PCR test has been recorded within 7 days.


If the PCR test has not been carried out in the last 7 days, the "yellow sign" will be displayed. Therefore,this author  urges all to finish the PCR test as required.


NO.2 如何出示“行程码where's the itinerary code?

Step 1


        Click the "State Council itinerary code inquiry" under the health code in the original,

"Shandong health code",the mini app in Wechat.                                                                                                                                                                                                              图片关键词

Step 2


         Then Click “yes”in the pop-up page,                                                                                                                             which says wether it's ok to open another mini app for  itinerary code?                                                                                                                                                                             图片关键词


Step 3


         clicking on the circle marked on the pic below shows you allow your itinerary being checked for the past 14 days.                                                                                                            图片关键词

Step 4


           At very last, the page you can show to the staff who asks for your itinerary code.                                                                     The personal itinerary information will be updated in every 24h.                                                                                                                                                                                      图片关键词                                   

NO.3 星码是什么?what's the code with star?


The “code with star" means that the city currently has medium-risk or high-risk areas, but does not mean that the user has actually visited these medium-risk areas. When the risk level is adjusted to low risk, the asterisk will disappear automatically.  


The above is all for today. Don't be hesitated to click "like" below to encourage the author~~~~ Thanks for reading n see you soon
